Monday, April 1, 2013

Eggs in fancy new carton need a home

We recently stocked up on some fancy clear plastic egg cartons.  You're probably thinking to yourself, "Why plastic?  Cardboard is made from trees and is natural and whatnot..."  Well, the plastic cartons are a huge upgrade and here are the reasons why.

The biggest advantage is that we can wash them.  People often return egg cartons to us, but sometimes they place the egg shells back into the carton after cracking open the egg.  We can't re-use a carton that has egg on it, so we are unfortunately forced to toss those cartons.  With plastic, we can just wash them out. 

Another advantage is the larger space for a label.  This allows us to share more information about our eggs and why we think they're so great, and makes the egg carton more visually appealing.  It also doesn't hurt that you can see the pretty brown and green eggs through the carton, so people get a better look at the eggs before they buy them.  They look nice in the fridge, too.

Finally, we are hoping they will last longer.  The cardboard cartons survive for only a couple uses, and the extra large eggs from our older hens (older hens lay bigger eggs) often stretch the cartons to their limits. 

The only problem we're running into now is finding customers for our increasing supply of eggs.  We used to be able to sell our entire supply to co-workers and friends, but it seems the time has come to branch out and start advertising. 

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